Sunday, January 19, 2014
0 comment(s) / 9:37 PM

Hi ppl!
Today was the girl's birthday!
I went down to pass her gift..obviously I really wanted to celebrate with her 
but she rejected my
instead she has dinner with her family
U know I spent half-an hr just to wrap a present just for her.
Not to mention, I even hand-made her a bday card
To my family they will think she's only a stranger, not close friends yet
You may think I'm stupid and foolish
Well, be it family or friends, I always take the extra mile to do sth special for them
I always ended up disappointed on my Bday itself...gotten used to it
Chances are she will forget me in the end as time passes
she is going to poly and have plenty of options to choose
Besides she's still young
New love comes and leaves. 
The time will come when I know I have to move on and stop thinking abt her. 
For me, the priority is to find a job with a stable income first. 
Girls can wait..

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