Sunday, November 2, 2008
0 comment(s) / 8:59 PM

I haven't been getting enough sleep for the past wk
First, the Jap EP
This takes up a lot of my time
since I have to do the hard work in learning online
But I tell myself to persevere
So I have to strike a balance
It will be easier if whatever notes Sensei taught us,
she write it on the board
We can write it down and revise
In the long-term, it looks worthwhile to learn a foreign language

We're going to meet up on Mon to discuss our ppt
since this is the only day wherby we have the time
We decide on the idea of selling laptop accessories
So now it's left to decide when and where the booth we are going to set up
Let's hope we can finalize
"TEAMWORK" that counts

Everyone want to find their dream partners
Easier than said
Guys want girls with attractive looks etc
Sometimes "Affinity"do plays a part
U do have a good impression of the girl u just met
Back off aft knowing she has bf
So lets be friends instead
If u can make the girl u like feel special
U have a good chance
Rite now we better focus soley on our studies

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